If you are a business of any size, we can assist with creating a trading account for your business with Access Hardware.
To open and make applying for a trading account quick and easy process we ask that you select the relevant entity you wish to trade with, download and fill in the relevant form and return it to our accounts team for approval. All trading account applications can be submitted by email to accounts@accesshardware.com.au or posted to:
Accounts Receivable Team Access Hardware Pty Ltd PO Box 273 North Melbourne VIC 3051
We will endeavour to have these applications completed within 10 working days. If we require any further information we will be in contact to request this.
Access Hardware Pty. Ltd.
Application forms for credit and cash accounts with Access Hardware Pty Ltd.
Depending on the information required and response time from any required third parties, opening an account with Access Hardware can take up to 10 working days.
Our trading terms are 30 days from the end of the month of invoice date (e.g. an invoice dated the 16th of August is due for payment by the 30th September). Payment is defined as being made when cleared funds are in our bank account.
The PPSA is the Personal Property Security Act 2009. Access Hardware registers security interest against the goods and services we provide. For further information or queries relating to the PPSA please contact our Accounts Receivable team. Our contact number is 03 9329 8833.
Our payment options are direct deposit, cheque, VISA, Mastercard and by EFTPOS or cash at any Access Hardware service desk. For bank account details for direct deposit, please check your invoice, statement or contact our Accounts Receivable team. All remittances are to be email to accounts@accesshardware.com.au.